Thursday, January 26, 2012


7. My last band competition, two weeks ago, was legit one of the most incredible days of my life. Once again, more to come on that later.

Saturday, November 5. I sleepily rolled out of bed at 6:00 a.m. I bundled up for the insanely cold weather that so effortlessly says "marching band season". On the way to FTF, I cried and cried and cried. Lots of tears. Some of them were sad, sad that this was my last marching band competition. Sad that this was the last time we would feel the commraderie that can only come from marching a show we've worked on for months on end. Some of them were happy. Happy that I have had this opportunity. Happy that I have met my Foard Tiger Band members and happy that in the midst of change, they always keep my feet on the ground. Some of them were senior year tears. Tears of disbelief that this was it. Another ending, opening the door to a lot of firsts yet to come.A trip to Starbucks with my other half completed the morning. The barista- "Hey, you guys are both named Sarah! And you're wearing the same shirt!" Our reply- "Yes, we're pretty much twins!"
At North Davidson, we left all our hearts on the field and took home a grand champion trophy. That awesome awesome award came no where near to how I felt. The emotion that day was real, real tears and lots and lots of real laughter. I'm so completely grateful for my marching band experience, however different it may have been. Regardless of if I continue on with music in college, I will always have November 5th.
And my last tear shed that day would be during our performance, looking up to see our gorgeous drum major doing her thing one last time and our amazing band parents crying and laughing and experiencing the performance right there with us. Moment of a life time.

Happy Friday Eve! How was your week? Hope you smiled a lot and cried a little and lived it all!
With Love,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Let's just pretend that nearly three months haven't passed without me blogging! Let's just pick up where we left off. That's what I love about you, you're never out of second chances (:

6. Today, Kayla left for her first music educator's conference. I'm so proud of her and what she has decided to do with her life.

I could talk about this girl all day. Kayla is one of the most amazing humans I've ever had the privillege to know. And it's not just because she's my sister. That's just an added bonus.
She's kind and honest. She's completely selfless. She has a beautiful disposition and outlook on life. She's better than me in so many ways. She's going to make an amazing teacher. Some really lucky elementary school kids are going to get an aweosme start to a life full of loving music because they've learned from the best. Although we joke about the pitiful pay check all the time, teaching, and especially teaching music, is one of the most beautiful things you can choose to do with your life. Many of the most influential people in my life have touched my heart by sharing their love of music with me. Their passion has motivated mine. So here's to all the teachers in my life and in this world. And here's to the best person I know and the girl I aspire to be: Kayla Marie McNeil! Oh, and by the way, you're really pretty! (:

With Love,