Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dark and Light

Sitting here tonight, I am prepared to say with my sixteen year old knowledge that nothing in life is all bad, 100% terrible. Life has this funny way of presenting to us the shades of gray. The small portion of a terrible situation that allows us to breathe, sleep, function. Sometimes even laugh, smile, thrive, survive, and live amongst the jagged pieces of a broken situation.
No situation is all bad. You know why? Because God is always there. He is with us in the darkest dark, through the burning you get in your eyes when the light begins to reach you, and He holds our hand when we finally step into the open atmosphere we've been deprived of and craving.
You, my friend, are not alone. Please remember that you never have to go through anything lonely and isolated. Even when no one is around, close your eyes and pray to feel God's presence. He will come when you call. He loves you just that much. Praying for peace in the hearts of anyone struggling tonight. This one's for you.
With Love,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Love Letter to Sixteen

I can honestly say you have shown me the best year of my life. I met you on the very first day of my Junior year, my very first uninterrupted "normal" year of high school. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and greeted you sleepy eyed and ready for whatever this year would bring. I entered the halls of Fred T. Foard feeling already behind. Everyone my age was already adjusted, I was far from comfortable. Marching band made the transition a thousand times easier. Us band kids have a built in family, an automatic support group. I am really grateful for my band siblings, who helped me out and made this year as easy and normal as possible. We enjoyed a successful season marching our show A Winter Fantasy. As much as we were glad to have a break, we were sad to see the season end. Sixteen taught me how to be part of something bigger than myself. Sixteen also saw me get my permit, then full provisional license. Sweet, sweet freedom.
Two days after Christmas, the McNeil girls traveled to southern California to cheer on Kayla as she marched in the Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena on the first day of 2011. Sixteen took me to the other side of the country, and even got me on my first roller coaster. I guess you could say it thrilled me. During the second semester of school, sixteen showed me how messy life can get. I was more stressed over one project in english than I have been over any other assignemnt in my school career. Sixteen taught me to hold on a little bit longer, hard times don't last forever. Sixteen took me to NYC twice, once with the band and once on vacation. We saw the gLee live tour in New Jersey, then spent a day in the city where we saw Daniel Radcliffe perform in How to Succeed in Buisness on broadway. Sixteen saw me yell and scream and make a fool of myself in front of famous people. Good times.
Most importantly, sixteen has seen me cancer free for the longest amount of time since my diagnosis. I have not had an entire year without kicking back with cancer since I was twelve years old. Every three months, sixteen saw me stress over scans but then celebrate with no evidence of disease results!
Thank you. This year has been an absolute dream. I've been granted all of the things that really matter. Family. Friends. Health. Love. What more could a girl ask for? Sixteen will always hold a special place in my heart. Here's to another year and all that seventeen will bring.
Love Always,