Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tiny Bursts of Inspiration

Hey there bloggers, anyone there? I can hardly blame you if you're not, I definitely haven't been present for quite a while. Not cool, you may say? I totes agree! I will work on making more time for this, because it honestly saves my life sometimes. Remember how in my very first blog post I told you that I am a complete night owl? Case in point, it is 2:30 in the morning and I am on the couch writing and watching You've Got Mail. If you know me at all, you probably know of my completely inappropriate age gap crush on Tom Hanks. What can I say? Sometimes a girl can't help it!
Lately I've been having an increasingly inspired view of the world. As I look around this beautiful place that we get to call home for however long this life grants us, I am always amazed and often inspired by the simplests of snapshots. You know how when you were little, as you walked outside promising not to step on a crack in the concrete, fearing that some awful malady would strike your mom's back at any moment? Have you ever noticed that in between the cracks of the concrete sometimes grass can grow? Against all odds, these sprigs of grass have worked to adapt and flourish where no one thought they could. Maybe I noticed that to remind me that we really do control our own success. The best thing you can do with the doubt of others is turn it into ambition to realize strenght in yourself that you didn't know was there.
I made a memo note in my cell phone a few weeks ago to remind me to write something titled "I would rather talk to a piece of paper." The funny thing about it is that the blog may never get written because I postponed and lost it. Lost the inspiration and lost the idea of what I intended to write about. I am assuming I was probably having a hard day, sick of people and their constant cynicism. Their selfishness, shallowness, and unperfectness. On this particular night, I would have rather been talking to a piece of paper, craving it's blank openness and it's infinite ability to recieve without taking. However, apparently I would have rather been sleeping because I went to bed without writing what I knew needed to be written down. Finding this note in my phone a few days ago reminded me to follow my instincts. If it was important enough to put a memo in my phone, shouldn't I have just written it while it was on my heart? Follow your heart, Sarah. Your spirit knows you better than your mind does.
As I learn these seemingly small lessons and take in these tiny bursts of inspiration, I am realizing that these are the things that matter. Take a note of every lesson you learn. Write it down, put it in your pocket, because your mind will eventually push it aside to make room for something new. Everything that enters your life, comes for a reason. I noticed the grass that day for a reason, wrote that memo in my phone for a reason. Is this making sense? If it's not, my apoligies. It's three in the morning and I'm on a Tom Hanks high.
Good night, friend. Thanks for listening.

With Love,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Girls That Have My Heart

It's days like this that have me convinced I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world. What have I done, you might ask? Not a whole lot. I got to enjoy the beautiful wonder that is sleeping in. I made lunch for Arielle and myself while Kayla was helping at Blackburn. A trip to the mall ended the day where I convinced my sister to buy an adorable shirt. A girl as beautiful as her really should wear something other than a band shirt every day! It's not the activity that made this day great, not the pearl studded scoop necked purchase from Charlotte Russe. The fact that I got to spend it with two of the earth's finest citizens is so amazing to me. Arielle Goralski has my heart. She has seen more of me than any one else, save my family and my best friend Sarah who braved the trip to Levine Children's after my femur resection surgery. Brave girl! I was completely out of it! All I have to remember her trip is what my mom told me and the bear she brought me that sits on my shelf, a lovely reminder of how special she is.
Arielle is this amazing mix of funny and sweet, beautiful and completely messy. She is the only person outside of my family that ever went with us to a chemo treatment. She could not have picked a worse day either! So so so so so sick, running from the infusion room to the x-ray lab trying to figure out why I was having so much pain. Here, my ortho surgeon shoved an x-ray under her nose and explained, at lenght, what my surgery was exactly. Gotta love surgeons! What does this girl do? Vomit and run away? No, she smiles at exactly the right times, sheds just one tear when I am falling apart later that day. Arielle has been this amazing blessing in our lives. She was there for Kayla when she was struggling with a sister with cancer. And for that, I will always be grateful. I always worried that Kayla was not getting to have the senior year she deserved. But, Arielle kept that beautiful smile on her face.
We love you Arielle! Thanks for everything! You make life a thousand times sunnier!
With Love,