Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hey, love. Anyone there? If you're not, it's okay. I haven't been here in a long time. Now, usually I would feel really terrible about myself for slacking off and not setting time aside for blogging therapy, but that's the beauty of it. I don't have to feel bad or apoligize here. This page is what I make it. If you are reading, I appreciate you more than you know! And I love you more than you can fathom.
It's about 9:30 on a Sunday night. I am trying to decide what to write... (5 minutes later)... I don't have enough time to go deep. I would like to get in bed some time tonight. So, I'm just going to give you a fact or random piece of information for every day that's passed by in November thus far. They've each held a challenge, a smile, a tear, a belly laugh with my best friend. And I've loved each and every one of them.

1. I bought myself a present on Saturday. Michael Buble's new Christmas CD. I'm in love.

2. I have an insanely stressful project in the works right now. I had to read Wuthering Heights. If you are ever faced with the choice of reading that book or spraying an angry lion in the eyes with pepperspray, pick the lion. You might die, but at lest you won't have to have read this ridiculous travesty of a book. Two more days and it's over!

3. My mom just called me from downstairs to ask what I was doing. She then asked if I would come downstairs and hang with her. I wouldn't trade moments like this for anything. She is my hero. I'm the luckiest girl

4. I've watched This is It three times this weekend. Three! It's been on TV twice and I watched it once in between. Nothing makes me happier than an MJ song. Nothing.

5. Earlier, when I put "5 minutes later", my next sentence really was written five minutes later. No lie.

6. Today, Kayla left for her first music educator's conference. I'm so proud of her and what she has decided to do with her life.

7. My last band competition, two weeks ago, was legit one of the most incredible days of my life. Once again, more to come on that later.

8. Cancer sucks.

9. My senior year is flying by extremely fast. Mixed emotions for sure.

10. I do my best thinking, feeling, and understanding at night. If previous lives really do exist, I think at one point I was a nocturnal animal. Stars make me happy.

11. I had no clue how much I missed this blog until I decided to write tonight. This always makes me feel ten pounds lighter.

12. I love Meredith Grey quotes. Let me rephrase: I love all quotes. But hers specifically.

13. I'm super excited about my LRYC fall semester concert coming up on Sunday. Lots of memorization to do this week.

There you have it! Can't wait to write again soon! Good night friend!
With Love,

1 comment:

  1. This just made me a very, very, VERY happy girl!!! I've missed your lovely writing!!!! :D
