Sitting here tonight, I am prepared to say with my sixteen year old knowledge that nothing in life is all bad, 100% terrible. Life has this funny way of presenting to us the shades of gray. The small portion of a terrible situation that allows us to breathe, sleep, function. Sometimes even laugh, smile, thrive, survive, and live amongst the jagged pieces of a broken situation.
No situation is all bad. You know why? Because God is always there. He is with us in the darkest dark, through the burning you get in your eyes when the light begins to reach you, and He holds our hand when we finally step into the open atmosphere we've been deprived of and craving.
You, my friend, are not alone. Please remember that you never have to go through anything lonely and isolated. Even when no one is around, close your eyes and pray to feel God's presence. He will come when you call. He loves you just that much. Praying for peace in the hearts of anyone struggling tonight. This one's for you.
With Love,
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