Sunday, February 13, 2011

Celebrate Love

It's February 13th, which means tomorrow's February 14th, which makes it Valentine's Day! Now, overall public opinion of this holiday is not good. Most people feel like it's a holiday created by Hallmark to sell more greeting cards and that jewelry stores and florists enjoy taking our money at this time each year. I feel very differently. You don't have to buy a diamond ring, or a dozen red roses, or a Hallmark greeting card to celebrate Valentine's Day. You just have to celebrate love. Hug your best friend or tell your mom how much she means. Smile at someone in the hallway at school or ask someone how their day is going. And no, you don't have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to go out to dinner with. Go with your sister, or neighbor. Go to the movies with your best friend. Don't sit at home feeling sorry for your single relationship status or complain that you're never going to get married. It will happen when it's meant to happen. And, when you meet that special person every Valentine's Day will be an opportunity to remind them how special they are, how you dreamed of the years that you could celebrate February 14th with them from that time forward. Make it count because another February 14th is never guaranteed. Let this day remind you to tell the people you love that you love them. Whatever your circumstance may be, celebrate love!

"You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
But look around me and I see it isn't so
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs
And what's wrong with that?

Love doesn't come in a minute, sometimes it doesn't come at all
I only know that when I'm in it, it isn't silly at all"

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