Monday, January 31, 2011

Not Enough Hours

Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? I get home at 3:30 and start automatically on my homework. Maybe if I get it done early, I can have some "me" time tonight. Maybe if I go ahead and study now, I can chill later. It's now 9:00 at night and I am just now winding down. Homework, check. Dinner, check. Shower, check. Okay, time to breathe. I'm sitting in my living room, watching Cake Boss with my mom (craving a piece of chocolate cake the size of a freaking continent) and I am wondering how we can slow down time, or create more. What's the magic in the number twenty-four? Why not twenty-nine or thirty-three? I think God thought this through. I think he decided that twenty-four hours was the perfect amount of time. Just enough time to laugh a little and smile a lot. Just enough time to comfort a neighbor that is going through the unthinkable. Just enough time to cry a tear of compassion for someone and then take that energy and turn it into something positive. Just enough time to sleep and get ready to do it again. I think twenty-four hours is just enough.

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