Sunday, July 10, 2011

Night Time Clarity

Tonight, I walked outside and fell in love with the sky. The moon was big and bright, the stars that shown throgh the protective cover of the clouds were shining. The things that weren't illuminated by the moon lay against the dark background, looking two dimensional. It was as if I were a character in a pop up book. The mountain that I can see from my window looked smaller somehow, like a construction paper project against the night sky.
Maybe this world isn't as big as I thought. Becuase tonight when it was just me, the sky, and the chirping crickets, the atmosphere of this beautiful planet shrank down to a size I can understand. I think it knew I needed some help understanding. I didn't feel so small and lost. I didn't feel overwhelmed. I felt at home and at peace. The fuzzy confusion in my head floated away into the warm July night air, and a sort of clarity was left behind. And tonight, I am thankful for God's everlasting love for me and for this beautiful earth he created in seven days. I am still Lord, and I am yours.

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