Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Girl

Today has been the text book definition of a perfect day. At least for me. A great day for me is being at home with my mom and sister. Simple as that. I got to sleep in which was fabulous! I woke up, took a shower, and finished up my homework. I always do homework on Saturday morning. I like to get it out of the way, pack my bookbag, and set it by the door so I don't have to think about school for the rest of the weekend! The rest of the day was spent Holiday decorating with my mom and sister. We watched at least 3 or 4 Christmas movies. Christmas is great, it's consistant and predictable in the best way possible. I can always count on watching Christmas Vacation or the Santa Clause at least 20 times from Thanksgiving to Christmas day. Not even exaggerating! Even when our lives have been completely unpredictable while I was in treatment, we still did things the same way. I love the stability of it. The kitchen was my job. I got out the Christmas dishes and switched them with our normal ones. My back hurts crazy bad from reaching up on our shelves! I also decorated the living room. We have had so many candles burning in here it is actually hot! I love it though. We have worked so hard today, but it didn't seem like work because we were together. Having fun. Enjoying eachother. The only reminder of the hard work is my poor back! Hello heating pad! Good night pain pill!

With Love,

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