Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where Does The Time Go?

Wow! My first blog post! I created this page about three months ago, after my friend Sarah showed me hers. Writing has always been a hobby of mine, never judgemental and always theraputic. What can't you say to a piece of paper (or in this case, my computer screen)?? I don't care if 1,000 people read this, or just 1. It is my prayer that through this page I can be a positive example of God's unfailing love for us. So, here it goes. My first post :)
Here's some things about me...
1. I have the most amazing sister in the whole entire world. She is incredible, so much better than I can ever hope to be. I love you Kayla
2. I have a serious obsession w/ peanutbutter.
3. I am one of those weird kids that actually likes school
4. I have no idea what I want to be or study when I graduate.
5. I am indecisive (see 4) ha!
6. I have a best friend that understands my every emotion, that I never have to explain anything to. She is a cancer survivor, just like me, and such a blessing in my life. God definitely put her in my life for a reason. Love you Sarah
7. There is music playing in my room 24/7.
8. I am pretty much nocturnal- I have trouble sleeping, so don't be surprised if most of these blogs aren't written between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am. I'm at my happiest when it's dark and there are stars out :)
9. Math is my arch nemisis. I am not a black and white person, so math and I don't get along.
10. My goal is to every day be an example of God's love and light. Whether I am at church, or school, or the grocery store, I pray that people see His purpose in my life.
I am so excited to start journaling regularly. But, it's 3:30 in the morning. So I'm gonna wrap it up for now. Thanks for reading!

Sarah <3


  1. You crack me up! My post was at one, so a little earlier, but still. We need to work on this sleep thing! I love you dear. You're my favorite best friend with the same name and same hobbies! :D

  2. Ha! We are so insomniatic! Am I doing this right? I still don't know exactly how this website works.
